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Server Status: Online Current Countdown Arrived Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXVII Current Patch ( more) Update 15 will be free for owners of Elite Dangerous who play on PC using the 4.0 codebase.Current Patch: 6.38 Live Letter Part LXXVI Summary Subreddit Monthly Meta: May Stumble into those cones, and a firefight will quickly break out as the Revenants bring in their friends to finish the fight. These vehicles extend bright yellow vision cones onto the ground in front of them. A press-only preview video showed an entirely silent settlement on the dark side of a planet, with players dodging Thargoid Revenants - relatively tiny flying vehicles about the size of a planetary rover. Players must try and turn the power back on without getting vaporized. There will also be a new on-foot mission type that will require players to stealthily infiltrate knocked-out planetary settlements - interactive planetary surface locations which were added to the game in 2020. The Glaive - a small, fast, and heavily armored new ship - is just the first of these hunter-class vessels and can run circles around all but the most high-end builds in the game. Thargoid hunter-class vessels are also coming to the game, and developers said these extremely active ships can prevent commanders from escaping combat once engaged. What they’ll find in there is anyone’s guess, but hopefully it’s a way to slow the aliens’ relentless advance into human-occupied space. Update 15 will add a new Thargoid pulse neutralizer - teased in-game on May 2 - that will allow players to reach the center of these Maelstroms for the first time.