
Diablo 3 release date sales
Diablo 3 release date sales

diablo 3 release date sales diablo 3 release date sales

The third entry into this series is “Sanctum of Bone” by Carly Anne West and can be read below. The Tales of Sanctuary is a collection of free-to-read Diablo IV short stories introducing a cast of new characters, with a few familiar faces sprinkled in. While its denizens may not have much in the way of material goods, they make up for it with rich stories to tell. Sanctuary is a volatile place-danger lurks at every turn and Lilith’s reappearance has ushered in a new era of hardships for those unfortunate enough to call these lands home. Diablo IV Short Story: "Sanctum of Bone" by Carly Anne West Originally Posted by Blizzard ( Official Post)

Diablo 3 release date sales